Saturday, 28 January 2012

Weight Loss Tips - Weight Loss After Pregnancy

It is usual to weigh more than usual after you have given birth but this is no comfort to those who desperately want to get back to the weight they were before they became pregnant.  Especially if try as you might, you have not shed the amount that you were hoping for.

You might be surprised to know that some of the weight could actually be due to fluid retention. Particularly if you had a lot of IV fluids during your labour, but you should lose that fluid weight by perspiring and urinating more often.

Apart from the pregnancy weight f the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid etc., what do you do about the other stubborn weight that will not shift? There are some techniques that can help you to lose your post-pregnancy weight.

  • Drink several glasses of water a day. Replace sugary drinks with flavoured water or normal water and a squeeze of fresh lemon. This can help you to cut out a lot of calories.
  • Eat lean meats such as boneless chicken and very lean cuts of beef
  • Instead of junk food such as crisps and chocolate, snack on healthier foods such as raisins, popcorn, nuts and wheat crackers. 
  • Eat plenty of whole grain bread, cereal and pasta.
  • Take part in some light exercise when you feel ready. Take a 10 minute walk with the baby each day and gradually increase the time. Or get a babysitter and go out for a long stroll with a friend.
  • Breastfeed! If you are able to breastfeed your baby, the longer you breastfeed the more calories you will burn, it is said that breastfeeding can burn up to 500 calories a day.
  • Consider joining a gym, preferably one that has a crèche when your child is a bit older. This is a great way to meet other mums who also want to lose weight and can offer some moral support.

If this all seems too daunting and you don’t think you can manage it without a little bit of help, perhaps you should consider trying Capsiplex. A feature shown recently in OK magazine of former glamour model Nicola Mclean, told her story of success with losing her baby weight by using the pro-slimming supplement.

Advanced Health LTD

Weight Loss Tips - Losing Weight Takes Effort

If you have been trying to lose weight but have had no success, ask yourself, are you really trying hard enough?

It is not enough to just want to lose weight, you have to be proactive and make it happen. There are various crash diets that people try but everyone knows that crash dieting is not only dangerous and unhealthy, the results are very short-lived. They are ideal to lose weight for a special occasion or just purely for a holiday because that’s as long as the results from a crash-diet will last. And there is always the chance that once you stop a crash diet, within a week the weight will pile back on and you could possibly end up weighing more than you did before.

It is not just about food when it comes to weight loss. Exercise is equally important. It would not matter how little you ate, if you do not do any exercise whatsoever, you can’t realistically expect to lose weight. Exercise is crucial for our health and well-being and there is no exception when it comes to weight loss, exercise is a vital part of it. The key to successful and lasting weight loss success is a healthy, balanced and varied diet that is followed consistently, not just on occasion and frequent exercise.

People with very fast-paced lives might argue they don’t have the time to eat healthily or exercise, but healthy eating does not have to be time-consuming and exercise can be as little as just simply taking the stairs instead of the lift or walking into town instead of taking the car. It’s the little differences we make to our lives that make big changes. It may take time to see results but like they say; Rome wasn’t built in a day.  It is important to stay focused, not get disheartened if you do not lose weight as quickly as you’d like. Slow and steady is far better than to suddenly drop 10 lbs in a week. And as for eating habits, you can make it easier on yourself by not having endless amounts of sugary fatty foods in the house. If it’s not there, the temptation is reduced.

Advanced Health LTD

Weight Loss Tips - What Are The Top 4 Diets?

This is important weight loss message, what is top 4 diets?

The Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is very a low-carbohydrate diet. If we reduce the amount of carbs and eat more protein and fat, our bodies will naturally lose weight by burning our stored body fat a lot more efficiently. The problem with the Atkins diet is that because the body is burning its own fat, depending on what you eat it can have a few unpleasant side effects in some people such as bad breath and constipation. And with such a restricted diet, where you are eating a very limited amount of fruit and vegetables and quite simply just pure protein and saturated fats, you are increasing your risk of heart disease and some cancers. 

The potential is there to lose a lot of weight very quickly on the Atkins diet as you will tend to feel fuller for longer by eating a lot of carbs, but this kind of diet when followed long- term is harmful to your health.

South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet is quite similar to the Atkins diet in that it is another low carbohydrate/protein rich diet except it is a lot more balanced. Instead of sticking rigidly to low carbohydrate foods throughout the dieting phase, it focuses on how each good and bad carb foods effects your blood sugar levels.

You stick to two weeks of strict restraint of what you can and cannot eat and from then onwards you can start introducing healthy carbohydrates and fruit to your diet again, it is all about experimenting with your diet and watching the weight patterns, learning what triggers your body to gain weight. If you begin to gain weight again you can easily revert back to the two week strict diet plan. As low-carb diets go, this is a far healthier diet as it not only allows encourages dieters not to cut anything out and to eat everything in moderation to maintain a healthy weight. This means you are far more likely to stick to this diet and reach your goals with great success.

Advanced Health LTD

The Cabbage Soup Diet

The Cabbage Soup Diet is as it sounds, eating Cabbage Soup in place of your main meals and very little else. It reduces the body’s calorie levels to the point of near-starvation. 

You are allowed fruit and vegetables alongside the soup but you must only eat to the point of feeling satisfied not stuffed! This diet should not be used for longer than a week as it is generally used when weight is to be lost very quickly e.g.) for a wedding etc. Alcohol is not allowed, water and unsweetened juices are the only beverages you should be drinking throughout the week. You will lose weight relatively quickly on this diet but it is only suitable as a very short term fix, side effects include flatulence and bad breath. People with long term health conditions should consult a health professional but for healthy otherwise fit people, this diet should not cause any harm.

The Zone Diet

The Zone diet is different to other diets in that it discourages the intake of carbohydrates, bad fats, processed foods and sugars and focuses more on us eating more meat, fruit and vegetables. Dieters are encouraged to also calculate the amount of calories that they need a day and it also incites regular eating patterns and regular consumption of good fats and low glycaemic foods. It is a healthy and controlled way of eating which guarantees an effective weight loss although many people may find it costly and difficult to follow.

Advanced Health LTD

Friday, 27 January 2012

Weight Loss Tips - Effective Weight Loss Solutions

Finding an effective weight loss plan that truly works for you can be a tall order. Crash diets do not work. You shed the weight but then you put it back on just as quickly as it arrived and you will probably end up bigger than you were before. There is no real instant fix and you will have to put some effort in to lose weight, you need to have the dedication and the willpower to make any weight loss program work but it helps to know that there are some fairly simple, yet effective solutions that you can put into action to make your weight loss journey that bit easier.

Advanced Health LTD

Keep a food diary.
It helps to keep a record of what you eat throughout each day. This way you can pinpoint your eating habits and exactly what you are eating and how much of it you are consuming.  This will be helpful in determining what could be contributing to your weight gain. You can keep track of your calorie intake this way and see if you are consuming too much, which makes it easier to come up with a plan to lower you calorie intake and to eat more healthily.

Look after your body and mind.
If you are very stressed or unhappy you are more likely to comfort eat and binge on the wrong sort of foods which will inevitably lead to you gaining weight. Stress increases cortisol, which is a chemical in the body that leads to an increase in fat. Instead, talk to a friend, write down how you’re feeling, have a good cry, dealing with what is making you unhappy will be far beneficial to you in the long run rather than turning to food for comfort. Another good way to relieve stress is to take some kind of physical exercise, yoga is an excellent way of de-stressing the whole body and it is very calming.

Change what you drink!
Cutting out the amount of sugary drinks you consume will drastically decrease your daily calorie intake. If you are known to have an alcoholic drink or two at lunch time or a few after work – stop, many alcoholic drinks are packed full of sugar and beer not only bloats you, it can be fattening. Other sugary beverages such as Coca Cola is just as bad for your teeth due to the high sugar content and the caffeine in these sorts of drinks will leave you feeling jittery. Try and drink where possible, flavoured waters, unsweetened fruit juices, if you must have tea or coffee, leave the sugar out and if you can bear the taste, no milk.

Don’t be too strict
Being on a diet does not mean you have to starve yourself. If you do find that you slip up from time to time, that’s fine. It is unrealistic to expect yourself to not give into temptation every now and again. Everything in moderation is completely acceptable.  Do not have unrealistic expectations; do not be disheartened if you haven’t lost 10lbs in a week. Realise that these things take time and that to lose weight effectively and keep it off, it is far better to lose weight slowly and steadily.

Advanced Health LTD

Weight Loss Tips - The 4 Diet Myths

The most common misconceptions when dieting is to think we need to eat exclusive food groups in order to lose weight. All this really does is deprive us from the essential vitamins and minerals our body need to function. Everyone wants a strong, fit and healthy body and this is only achieved from a well -rounded, well balanced diet.  Here we expel a few common myths when it comes to losing weight.

Myth 1:

We should only eat certain food groups.

Wrong. Many diets, crash diets in particular will advise cutting out particular food groups or only eating food from one food group. Our bodies cannot run on one kind type of food, we need a well- balanced, varied diet in order to stay healthy. We need a bit of fat, a bit of protein, vegetables, plenty of water, some carbohydrates and fibre. Even some of the so-called ‘bad’ foods our body will require some of those, if only in moderation but nothing should be cut out completely.  Fruits, grains, nuts and seeds are also essential for a strong immune system which will ward of illness and keep you healthy.

Myth 2:

You can only get protein from meat.

This is not true. Fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, legumes and oils all contain protein. Meat is actually high in fat and sodium, particularly red meats which if eaten excessively is not good for cholesterol levels. While it does contain protein; not as much as originally thought. Grains, oils, legumes and nuts actually contain more. Our body needs about 30 grams of protein a day so as you can see, you do not have to eat nothing but meat to get your daily quota.

Advanced Health LTD

Myth 3:

To lose weight, cut out the fat.

Our bodies actually need some fat to function properly; it allows the muscles and joints to work smoothly.  What you need to steer clear of are hydrogenated fats, good nutritious health giving fats consist of avocados, olive oil and raw nuts.

Myth 4:

You have to go without to lose weight.

Women on average should not consume any fewer calories than 1,200 a day and men generally should eat no less than 1,800 calories a day. Instead of snacking on high fat, high sugar foods, if you literally ate as much fruit and vegetables as you could manage, you would not only be satisfied and not hungry but it will have no bearing on your weight. The best way to lose weight is to eat foods as naturally as you can, with no added sugar or preservatives and cut out the unnecessary fats and simply eat what your body requires and no more, you will lose weight, stay healthy and live longer.

Advanced Health LTD

Weight Loss Tips - Four Steps To The Body Of Your Dreams: Your How To Guide

If you’re on a mission to build the body of your dreams, it’s vital that you’re making sure that you have a good game plan in place.  Many people set out with an end goal that they want to achieve, but don’t take the necessary steps to figure out how exactly they are going to achieve it.

If you want to see good results, you must make sure that you’re following a smart protocol that is designed to work with your body to get you the look that you’re after.


Let’s give you a step by step guide for doing so.

Step One: Determine Your Look
First things first, you need to get it clear in your mind the precise look that you’re going for.  If you don’t have a clear visual in mind of what it is you want to look like, it’s hard to develop a training routine that’s going to be effective.

Remember to keep this ‘look’ you desire reasonable and realistic, otherwise you’re fighting a losing battle from the beginning.

Step Two: Plan Your Diet
Once you have your desired look, then you need to form a diet plan.  If the look involves getting slimmer or leaner then a reduced calorie intake needs to be utilized.  If the look involves getting larger and building muscle or adding curves if you’re a female, then adding more calories to your current diet will be necessary.

A good place to start is adding or subtracting 300-500 calories in either direction as this should get you seeing progress quite quickly.

Then make sure that you eliminate all the processed and refined foods from your diet, so you’re eating as many natural foods as possible.  Get an even mix of proteins, carbs, and fats in each snack, with the carb and fat intake being slightly lower for those looking to lose weight and higher for those looking to gain.

Step Three: Design Your Weight Workout
After the diet is in place, then it comes time to design a workout.  Weight training is the best exercise for reshaping your body, so it’s what you’ll want to turn to.

If you want to bring out more muscle definition in certain regions, add in a few isolated exercises for those muscle groups.  Be sure that you also have the compound exercises in place as well, as these will be key to building full body strength and conditioning.

If you want to lose fat, aim to keep the rest breaks between sets shorter as this will enable you to experience a better metabolic boost after each workout.

Step Four: Factor In Cardio
Finally, the last step is to factor in cardio.  If you’re trying to fill out or build muscle, your cardio exercise will be minimal as you don’t want to be burning off too many additional calories.

If you’re looking to lose fat on the other hand, then you’ll want to add more cardio in.
Cardio should be a mixture of interval session as well as longer, moderate paced sessions to keep good balance in your program.

Just be sure to never let yourself sacrifice your weight lifting performance for cardio training instead as cardio simply isn’t as effective for changing your body.

So there you have the top things that you should remember with regards to designing a complete body transformation plan.  If you take the time now to lay everything out, all you’ll have to do is follow your ‘road map’ for success.

R.D.K holdings S.A

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