Saturday, 4 February 2012

Weight Loss Tips - The Benefits Of Hoodia

One of the worst things about dieting is what might be called the dieter’s obsession with food. Not only do you have to measure, weigh, and analyze nearly everything that you put into your mouth, but you also have to deal with the hunger and cravings that a restrictive diet results in. How easy will it be for anyone to confine themselves to 1,000 calories or less every day, especially if they have been eating 3 or 4 times as much? It is really no wonder that so many diet plans do not work, and leave the person not only depressed over another failure, but often even heavier than when they began.

How many people have wished that they could somehow just turn off their hunger? While there is no magic wand to wave to do this, you might find that hoodia may help to suppress your feeling of hunger while you diet. This South African succulent could be the answer to hunger pangs and cravings. The reason why hoodia seems able to do this is because of a substance in this plant, P57, which acts on the part of the brain that controls appetite.  Basically, hoodia gordonii does seem to ‘flip a switch to turn off feelings of hunger.

The search for a reasonable and safe way to lose weight has become more focused since the removal of several dangerous diet products from the market. Suppressing the appetite is an excellent way to deal with hunger while dieting because if you do not feel hungry, you will not be tempted to eat.  Taking a hoodia supplement before meals will keep your portion reasonable, and you will feel full while eating less.

Many diet programs are a combination of caloric restrictions and exercise.  When you are using hoodia you can certainly exercise to maximize your weight loss, but it is not really necessary at all.  If you are too busy to work out, you may find that hoodia gordonii could help you lose weight without exercising.

Overeating does not just entail piling up food on your plate at mealtimes; it also involves eating nearly every waking minute. If you are used to munching on a snack while watching television or a film or while reading a book, you are simply adding to your caloric load for the day. Some people also overeat in response to emotional needs such as dealing with stress or worry. Hoodia could also help with eating problems such as these – you just will not have the desire to pick at a bag of corn chips or open another box of chocolates. 

Make sure that the hoodia product that you choose is actually hoodia gordonii.  Hoodia gordonii comes from a fairly large family of succulents, but seems to be the only one with the ability to suppress appetite.  Remember to drink adequate amounts of water while taking hoodia as it not only suppresses appetite, but thirst as well.

Chinese Weight Loss Tea - PuErh Tea

Weight Loss Tips - Effective Appetite Suppressant With Hoodia

When we eat, our bodies convert our food into glucose that is sent to all our organs, tissues, and cells through the bloodstream.  As this glucose fills our blood, a signal is sent to the brain that tells us that we are full and no more food is needed at this point. Of course, once the glucose has reached its goals and the amount in the blood diminishes, our brains now perceive that it is time to replenish the supply and we begin to feel hungry.  Hunger pangs and cravings usually lead to diet failure – and the small portions usually allowed with a diet will leave you feeling hungry even more quickly than a normal meal would. 

Diet pills of various kinds have been used to suppress appetite, with results that can be great or nonexistent. A lot of pills rely on heavy doses of caffeine to keep you from feeling hungry and to try to speed up your metabolism to burn more calories. The trouble with this kind of diet pill is that those who take it often feel jittery and nervous and have difficulty falling asleep. Other diet pills were actually found to be health risks and have since been withdrawn from the market. 

However, it was discovered during the Twentieth Century that the Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert chewed hoodia gordonii to quell hunger and thirst as they hunted. Investigation into what causes this effect has led to the isolation of an ingredient that has been named P57. This substance actually tricks the brain into thinking that there is plenty of glucose in your blood. When adequate glucose for bodily functions is present, you feel full. Hoodia appears to have the ability to let you feel full even if it’s been hours since you have eaten. 

If you have tried numerous diet plans and experienced nothing but disappointment and failure, due mostly to food cravings, perhaps you can try hoodia.  Many people have found that by taking the recommended dosage of hoodia before a meal that they tend not only to be satisfied with less food, but also not to feel hungry between meals. However, as with any diet supplement, results can vary from person to person. One thing to always keep in mind when searching for the right hoodia product is to purchase from a reputable source. You will do best if you choose a hoodia supplement that is pure hoodia, and make sure that your supplement is made from hoodia gordonii, it is the only member of the hoodia family that has been shown to have any ability to suppress the appetite.

Chinese Weight Loss Tea - PuErh Tea

Weight Loss Tips - Important Information To Follow When Buying A Hoodia Supplement

If you are simply fed up with trying to lose weight and winding up weighing more than ever, you can find that hoodia could help you to control your weight better than the usual diet programs.  The problem with most diet programs is that they leave you feeling hungry.  Some programs call for miniscule portions that would barely keep a bird alive, while others have such unpalatable food that it is unlikely that anyone would be able to follow them for long. Hoodia may hold out hope for those who have been unable to lose weight and keep it off.  Rather than actively restricting your diet, hoodia acts as an appetite suppressant so that you will not feel hungry.

In order to get the maximum benefit from hoodia, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when searching for this supplement.

• Always purchase from a reputable distributor.  There are quite a few fly-by-night companies selling ‘hoodia’.  Investigate before you spend your money, a lot of web research will let you know how reliable the seller is, and customer reviews are another good indicator of dependability.

• Be sure that the hoodia is the right hoodia. There are a lot of species of hoodia, but only hoodia gordonii is known to have the ability to suppress appetite.

• You want to purchase pure hoodia, not something that has been adulterated with fillers or other additives. There should be no stimulants such as caffeine in the hoodia.

• Hoodia from South Africa is the best hoodia available, but make sure that the product you are considering purchasing has been given a C.I.T.E.S. certificate, showing that now only is it hoodia gordonii from South Africa, but that it has been exported legally.

• Check to make comfirm that the hoodia is made from the above ground stem.  Some cheaper hoodia products are made from the roots and these products will not have the same potency as those made from the stem.

• The dosage of hoodia is important in appetite suppression, so make sure that you find one that has sufficient potency to work as needed. 

• The purchaser will sometimes be given the opportunity to have a free supply of hoodia to try out, usually for a period of one month.  While this can be a great way for you to see whether hoodia will work for you, you must take care that you have not inadvertently signed up for ongoing withdrawals from your bank, credit card, or debit card.  Before agreeing to anything, check the fine print.

Hopefully, this research will help you find a hoodia gordonii dietary supplement that may enable you to better control your weight.

Chinese Weight Loss Tea - PuErh Tea

Friday, 3 February 2012

Weight Loss TIps - How Does Hoodia Help You Lose Weight?

It is a shame that many of us spend so much time trying to lose weight to no avail.  There are a lot of diet plans on the market that promise a rapid weight loss, but if you have taken a close look at most of them, you will probably notice one thing – they are basically unsustainable.  Often the foods that are required are so ghastly, hard to come by, or expensive that no one could reasonably be expected to use them in the long term.  A good many of these diets will also lead to nutritional deficiency.

Regardless of the diet you decide upon, the biggest reason for diet failure is hunger cravings.  Any weight loss diet will call for a reduction in calories and the physical amount of food that you eat.  Not only that, but people who have become overweight have usually stretched out their stomach, so they will not feel full with even a normal amount of food.  You need something that will overcome cravings and also allow time for your stomach to return to its normal size.  Eating teeny portions of food or platefuls of cabbage will not help you get over hunger pangs – you need something that will suppress your appetite.

Decades ago, while researching the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, it was found that these people chewed on the pulp of the hoodia plant to suppress their hunger while they were on a hunt.  The wellbeing of the tribe would depend on how well the hunters did, and being distracted by hunger pangs could interfere with their ability to get food.  Hoodia was able to supply the help needed for the men to provide for their families; they were able to keep their mind on the hunt rather than on their growling stomachs.

Soon, scientists and dieticians were exploring the possibility that hoodia could help overweight people lose those extra pounds.  Experiments with animals found that hoodia contains a substance, named P57, which seems to act on the brain to suppress appetite.  It only makes sense that if you do not feel hungry, will not eat as much.  Those who have been having trouble with managing their weight might well find that hoodia could offer a solution to their problem. 

A rather informal trial with obese individuals did find that those who took hoodia were able to trim about 1000 calories off their daily food intake without feeling the pinch.  Besides suppressing the appetite, hoodia also seems to have the effect of making you feel fuller after even a small meal.  A combination of appetite suppression and a feeling of fullness might be the key to helping you lose weight.  If you are able to eat less comfortably, it will also allow your stomach to return to its normal size.

Chinese Weight Loss Tea - PuErh Tea

Weight Loss Tips - How Do Appetite Suppressants Work?

There are fews reasons why diets fail: the food may be unappetizing or the caloric intake too restrictive.  However, a common reason why a weight loss diet plan is abandoned is that the dieter simply cannot resist the cravings for food that will inevitably occur.  After you have eaten a meal, your body converts your food into glucose so that it can be used to nourish you.  Higher levels of glucose in the blood are what help you to feel full after you have eaten.  However, as your body uses the glucose, the levels drop and you will begin to feel like you want a snack.  Another reason that you will feel cravings when dieting is because you have become accustomed to eating frequently, and these craving are based more on behavior than on metabolism.  It will take time for your body to adjust to the new, lower caloric amounts, and until it does, you will feel hungry nearly all the time.

One way to get around these food cravings is to consider using appetite suppressants.  These are available as both prescription and over-the-counter products and can help you to control cravings and hopefully lose weight.  There are few ways that appetite suppressants might be able to help you shed some excess pounds.  Some appetite suppressants work by altering the chemicals in your brain so that you will think that you are full, regardless of when you have actually eaten and others simply dampen your appetite – either way you will probably be inclined to eat less than you normally would

Another problem with excessive weight gain is that in many cases, the stomach has increased in size to accommodate the large amounts of food it has to handle.  This is where appetite suppressants might be a great help.  If you are able to decrease the physical amount of food you eat every day, it is likely that you stomach will return to its normal size and you simply will not require as much food to feel satisfied. 

A lot of people find that they do not have to take appetite suppressants forever, generally several weeks or months are enough to help the dieter get over the hump of cravings and start to return their body to normal.  Supplements based upon natural products have been found to be of some help in weight loss programs.  While the results that any individual achieves will vary, appetite suppressants can help you to reach your weight goal.

Weight Loss Tips - Foods That Will Help Control Your Hunger Levels

We generally associate becoming overweight with eating, which is quite true, but it is also true that there are foods and other consumables that will actually help up to feel less hungry, and be less inclined to snack or overeat at mealtimes.  Whether you combine these foods and beverages with other dietary supplements, these can definitely assist you in keeping hunger pangs at a distance.


Water is actually one of nature’s best appetite controls.  It has been found that drinking a glass of water before a meal helps you to eat less.  Water fills your stomach and tells your brain that you really are not feeling that hungry.  Besides drinking water before a meal, you can also do this whenever you start to feel hungry between meals.  There is some speculation that when we become even a bit dehydrated, our brains confuse this with hunger and tell us to eat rather than drink.  Just drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day can help you to control your hunger.

Foods with a lot of fiber also help us to keep hunger suppressed.  These foods fill us up and stay in our systems longer than other kinds of food, so we will be able to go longer between meals or snacking.  Vegetables such as cabbage or lettuce not only make us feel full, but as the amount of calories needed to digest these foods is equal to the caloric content of the foods themselves, you literally cannot eat too many of them.  Do not, however, fall into the trap of dousing these with a lot of high calorie dressing – any advantage will then be lost.  You can add some cheddar cheese to your salad to give it more ‘body’, and this will also help it stay with you longer.

If you enjoy drinking smoothies, these delectable drinks are another good way to feel full.  You can make a low calorie, filling smoothie by using yogurt, soy milk, and fruit such as bananas or strawberries.  Not only will you feel full, but you will also be getting plenty of protein from the yogurt and soy milk.

All of us are familiar with the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but an update to that could well be, “An apple a day keeps hunger at bay.”  Apples contain a good amount of fiber that helps to fill us up and stop us from feeling hungry.   Besides containing fiber and some vitamins and minerals, apples also contain water, which also helps to suppress hunger cravings.  Besides apples, munching on popcorn that has been prepared without the use of fats can also help to fill you up for few calories.

A few adjustments to your diet, substituting foods that will control hunger for ones saturated with calories will soon have a positive effect on your weight.

Weight Loss Tips - 5 Tips To Lose Weight With Hoodia

For many people trying to lose weight is a lifelong struggle.  This is precisely why there are so many diet books for sale – most of them leave those who use them hungry.  And hunger is the biggest reason why diets fail; after all who can resist diving at that chocolate cream pie when pangs and cravings are tempting you.  If you look at most diet plans, you will see that they are basically unrealistic, the caloric intake is simply too small to keep you feeling satisfied. 

UniqueHoodiaObesity is not just caused by eating too much food for your three main meals, but it results from the person actually eating most of their waking hours.  Sitting down to watch television with a bowl of potato chips and munching on candy while using your computer mean that food is going into your mouth outside of mealtimes.  Part of a good weight loss plan will involve retraining yourself not to eat constantly.  Fortunately, there could well be a way that can help you to manage your weight, and that is hoodia.  By making hoodia a part of a balanced weight loss program, you might find that you will soon be looking and feeling much better.

When you have decided to use hoodia as part of your diet plan, be sure that you purchase it from a reputable supplier.  You will probably see better results with a product that is grown under controlled conditions and has been tested for strength and purity.  There are a number of products on the market that claim to be hoodia, but often contain only a tiny amount of this appetite suppressing substance.

It is important to include exercise in any attempts to lose weight.  You will not only burn off more calories, but you will be toning your body as well.  Walking a mile a day will use up hundreds of calories without putting any strain on your body.

Do not starve
You might think that because hoodia helps to suppress your appetite that you can cut back to a handful of calories a day.  This, however, is the wrong approach and eating 1200 calories a day can help you to lose more weight than if you eat 500.  When your body perceives it is starving, it will hoard calories, so you can actually gain weight even if you’ve cut calories to the bone.

This refreshing beverage is loaded with antioxidants that will help to clean up toxins as your body slims down.  Besides this benefit, tea also contains caffeine, which speeds up your metabolism slightly – again burning unwanted calories. (Chinese Puerh Tea Online Store)

Besides suppressing the appetite, hoodia also suppresses thirst.  One way to make sure that you remain properly hydrated while taking hoodia is to make sure that you drink two full glasses of water before each meal, and two in the middle of the afternoon.  Water also helps you to digest your food more efficiently and keeps your tissues and organs functioning properly.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Weight Loss Tips - What’s in My Slim Weight Patch?

The Slim Weight Patch is packed full of 100% natural and healthy nutrients to help you lose weight. As well as being an effective aid to slimming, these ingredients have a whole host of other benefits to your body.

Slim Weight Patch

Each Slim Weight Patch Contains

Fucus Vesiculosus
Otherwise known as; seaweed, kelp and bladder wrack is an edible form of seaweed that has been proven to help in the regulation of Diabetes and other disease.

This is the abbreviation of a chemical called 5-Hydroxytryptophan. 5-HTP is derived from the amino acid Tryptophan and it is then converted into another chemical called Serotonin (The hormone in our body responsible for controlling our mood). 5-HTP can also relieve and help treat the symptoms of headaches and insomnia.

A berry found in the Amazon rainforest that is harvested for its useful stimulant effect as it contains a very high level of Caffeine.

Garcinia Cambogia
This is a small sour tasting tropical fruit usually found in Asia.  The rind of the fruit is used by Indians as a cooking spice. It contains a substance known as Hydroxycitric acid or HCA, which is now a very popular natural weight loss ingredient. HCA is meant to enhance the signals sent from the brain to the stomach indicating that it is full.

Zinc Pyruvate
Pryuvate is produced naturally by your body when the sugar glucose (blood sugar) is converted by your blood into energy by a process called Glycolysis. Pryuvate has many uses; it is full of antioxidants that slow down the ageing process as well as being used to treat acne. It can help strengthen your heart and cardiac muscles as well as help treat other health conditions.

(Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone that is produced by the adrenal gland and when converted produces both male and female hormones. It is widely regarded through clinical trials as a successful treatment of obesity and weight loss.

Yerba Mate
This is a beverage very similar to tea that is extracted from the leaves of a tree in South America. It is said to give the user increased mental clarity, energy as well as weight loss. It is very nutritious and while its energy effects are likened to the effects of Caffeine it has no negative side effects and is much healthier.

Flaxseed Oil
Made from the seeds of the Flax plant. It contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which is beneficial to both men and women. It is used for a range of conditions; Heart disease and high cholesterol.

This naturally occurs in food such as Eggs, Peanuts and Steak. Lecithin helps fat in the bloodstream to remain solvent which reduces your risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease.

An amino acid that is created by the liver from two amino acids Lysine and Methonine. It can be found in dairy products, red meat, avocado and cheese. L-Caritine boosts energy.

Gives similar effects to Zinc Pyruvate

Slim Weight Patch

Eliminate your Hunger with Yerba Mate – Use Slim Weight Patch

Yerba Mate is a plant that originates from the Holly family, it is usually found growing across Chile, Peru, Argentina and Brazil but found in its plenty across Paraguay where it is refined. But only recently has Yerba Mate been discovered in other parts of the world for having wonderful health benefits. It is generally consumed as a drink. The Guarani Indians in South America swear by Yerba Mate as an appetite suppressant so will stop hunger as well as making you feel invigorated and full of energy, it is a potent stimulant.

It energises the body by stimulating the nervous system, having effects on the body similar of what coffee can do although it does not contain the amount of caffeine that coffee does so side effects are unlikely. Yerba Mate benefits for example are helping to lower the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood stream and can even prevent oral cancer. It has high levels of powerful polyphenols which have a strong anti-cancer effect on mammals and it is believed that it can have the same effect on humans.

Slim Weight Patch

It can help with weight loss, boost your immune system and is full of nutrients and antioxidants. It has been the subject of weight loss trials for years and in 2000, Research at the Charlottenlund Medical Center in Denmark concluded that when Yerba Mate was mixed with other ingredients such as Guarana and Damiana, it significantly delayed gastric emptying while helping to increasing the amount of time the person feels full after eating. Which lead to participants in this trial losing a significant amount of weight over a 45 day period.

In June 2001, a study that was published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics found that Yerba Mate slowed digestion while speeding up metabolism which suggested that it might help with weight loss. It is also believed to be thermogenic in nature, which means it may encourage the body to burn more calories. In an additional study performed in Switzerland by the University of Lausanne, the participants demonstrated a big increase in the total fat their bodies burned for energy.

Yerba Mate extract is one of the important components found in Slim Weight Patch. Unlike a lot of other weight loss patches, it is clinically proven to work, is extremely effective at stopping hunger pangs as previous studies have shown, meaning lesser food consumed and lesser calories and will zap unwanted fat away.

Yerba Mate works in conjunction with Slim Weight Patch’s other powerful weight loss ingredients such as; Fucus Vesiculosus, Zinc Pyruvate, L- Carnitine, Guarana and DHEA to name a few. You will not find another slimming patch of this calibre or with this amount of top quality ingredients and nutrients so simply put; the Slim Weight Patch is the weight loss system of the future.

Slim Weight Patch

Weight Loss Tips - Find out How to Burn Fat with Slimming Patch

Herbal weight patches work by administering their particular ingredients into the bloodstream via the skin with an adhesive patch. This process is known as ‘transdermal’. Patches are not a new thing as nicotine patches and even insulin delivery patches for diabetics have been around for years.
And slimming patches are overshadowing traditional slimming pills due to it being a less risky form of losing weight for there are generally no side effects as a result of using a patch.

Herbal slimming patches work by reducing appetite, increasing metabolism and therefore burning fat and losing calories. Ingredients in slimming patches do vary, although they all aim to help the user lose weight effectively as with slimming pills a lot of the ingredients are not adequately absorbed by the body, plus there is the added benefit of using one patch a day rather than having to take several pills a day. It is also preferable to people who either struggle or dislike taking pills and eliminates any possible stomach discomfort because the ingredients do not have to be digested.

Slim Weight Patch

Many slimming patches contain ingredients such as Guarana, 5HTP, Flaxseed Oil and Lecithin although ingredients vary from patch to patch. In principal they work by gradually releasing the ingredients and nutrients through the skin into the bloodstream in a steady manner, while you are wearing the patch you are continuously getting a regular dose throughout the day.

Once the ingredients are in your bloodstream they head for the thyroid gland since this is what regulates your metabolism. The ingredients then boost the production of iodine that helps faster burning of fats and calories. They limit your food intake by suppressing appetite so less food will be consumed and more weight will be lost. So not only does a herbal slimming patch level out your metabolism which means quicker and more efficient fat burning but also stop you from getting food cravings, so it acts as a dual action system, helping you lose weight faster.

With so many slimming patches to choose from, there is only one patch you need to try and that is The Slim Weight Patch, rated the number one weight loss patch, it has undergone stringent medical trials and is clinically approved and it truly surpasses the rest. Convenient to use, small and discreet, it melts fat away effortlessly and easily, no side effects and it is even waterproof so you can swim whilst wearing a Slim Weight Patch.

Simply apply one patch a day to a clean hair free area of skin and discard the following day and replace with a new one, once it’s on you simply let the patch do its magic. You will absorb up to 95% of the nutrients thanks to its amazing transdermal technology, it will reach the cells precisely where it is needed for fast weight loss. To find out more information and to purchase the Slim Weight Patch visit the official website.

Slim Weight Patch

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Weight Loss Tips - Be Aware of Weight Loss Patch Free Trial Scams

Have you fallen victim to the many free weight loss patch trial scams available on the internet? Offering free trials of the patches when in actual fact they bill you every single month whilst sending you more ‘free’ patches regardless of whether you wanted them or not. These scams are designed to exploit people, they know people are desperate to lose weight and will be hoodwinked into trying anything so they will encourage you to give them your credit card details and keep charging you for them even if you ‘cancel’ the trial.

With so many unscrupulous companies out there it can be very difficult to get out of a subscription program once you sign up for it, they will simply autoship you more patches every month. Even if a company promises there is no catch – there is. A general rule of thumb is that any company that promises anything for free is likely to be a scam and you should steer well clear of it.  A lot of weight loss patches have not gone through any kind of rigorous testing by the manufacturers themselves or any medical clinical trials to prove that they even work, let alone the safety of the product. Some slim patches are waiting for FDA (Food and Drug administration) approval and if you come across one of these, wait until it has been approved.

Slim Weight Patch

So to ensure you don’t fall into the trap of free weight loss patch trials, make sure you read all the terms and conditions carefully and instead buy a weight loss patch from a reputable company, if you do some research you are sure to find a product that works for you, is completely free of side effects and will not cost the earth. One of the best weight loss patches around is the Slim Weight Patch.

The Slim Weight Patch is a very well respected weight loss product and it comes very highly recommended (see testimonials), there are no free trial offers and they will never autoship and there is no hidden billing. It is a clinically proven patch, consumers and medical experts have verified the effectiveness of this patch. It is very safe. With its unique transdermal technology that transmits the 100% herbal and natural ingredients into the bloodstream bypassing the stomach, liver and intestine, you can lose between 2 to 4lbs a week. It is also made of breathable material, a lot of weight loss patches are made of inferior material that clogs the skins pores and results in the efficacy of the nutrients being lost.

You can purchase the Slim Weight Patch from its official website with the peace of mind that there is no obligation to keep on buying more and you are free to purchase if and when you choose to. You will lose weight efficiently, in a discreet way, zero side effects, just a great weight loss result.

Slim Weight Patch

Weight Loss Tips - 10 Idea For Weight Loss

It can be difficult to even know where to begin when embarking on a weight loss program to shed those extra pounds especially when nothing else seems to have worked. It doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful! With a bit of careful planning you can devise a plan to help you get the most out of your new diet and get a brand new body!

Slim Weight Patch

1. Be Realistic
Pick the appropriate program that you feel comfortable following long term and not just for short term while you are dieting. Avoid silly crash and extreme celebrity diets, talk to your doctor if necessary to help devise the most suitable plan to achieve your goals.

2. Don’t be tempted
When shopping, avoid stocking up on sweets, cakes, crisps and any other unhealthy and fatty foods. It is all too easy to end up reaching for the biscuit tin. Choose healthy, low fat snacks or fruit instead.

3. Find Support
It is shown that when you have a friend or partner supporting you or even following a diet program with you, your chances of being successful is doubled.

4. Once You Start A Diet Plan, Start Strong
Rather than gradually easing into a diet plan, if you really commit to it and take action straight away you will lose more weight more quickly and it is more likely to stay off.

5. Don’t Starve, Just Change The Way You Eat
You don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight. By changing the high calorie, full fat foods and snacks for low calorie, low fat foods you can lose weight without depriving yourself.  And the food you eat doesn’t have to be boring, be original, experiment try something you have never tired before!

6. Make Simple Changes
Swap a Coke at lunch time for flavoured water or a sugar free version of a fizzy drink. Walk to the shops instead of taking the car. By making small changes it will lead to a big one.

7. Get More Exercise
If you have always driven everywhere, try walking! Or if you have a bike, cycle! Or walk to the bus stop and get the bus. A little bit of exercise everyday is much more effective at weight loss than cramming in a lot of exercise just one day a week.

8. Drink Plenty Of Water
It is advised that you drink 8 glasses of  water per day, this is not only good for losing weight but also is very good for the body in general, getting rid of toxins and impurities.

9. Keep A Diary Of Your Progress
Keeping track of how many pounds you have lost is a great incentive to spur you on to keep going and help you get closer to your target weight.

10. Try Slim Weight Patch
Along side your new diet plan you could try Roduve’s Slim Weight Patch. By wearing one patch per day it administers its powerful, totally natural ingredients through the skin and into the bloodstream to help combat excess fat and to kick-start your metabolism into helping you to lose weight. 

Slim Weight Patch

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Weight Loss Tips - Easy Snack Ideas For A Healthy Diet

It is generally drummed into dieters that snacking is bad and that it should be avoided when you are trying to lose weight. There is actually absolutely nothing wrong with a few snacks between a meal so long as the snack is healthy and nutritional. The mistake too many people make when on a diet is eating a very small breakfast then of course they are hungry and can’t wait until lunch so they head straight for something very high in sugar or fat to satisfy their hunger and their craving.  It is far better to eat a slightly bigger, but still healthy breakfast that is going to keep you satisfied until lunch-time and to make sure you drink enough water, this wards off hunger. Although there are some snacks that you can include in your daily diet that will not interfere with the weight loss process and also stop you feeling hungry.

You do not have to be strict and never ever have any of the so-called bad treats just that these should really be limited when following a weight loss program. But not only that, excessively sugary foods are damaging to tooth enamel and foods high in fat content are bad for your cholesterol, heart and blood pressure. A good rule to follow is the 80/20 rule. Eat 80% of healthy nutritious foods and the other 20% can be anything you like.

Advanced Health LTD

By eating a varied, balanced diet your body is receiving everything that needs and then some. You do not have to starve yourself; you just have to be a little bit more selective about what you choose to eat and how often you choose to eat it.

It is important to have these kinds of snacks on hand so you are not always tempted to reach for the biscuit tin:

Dairy: Light, low fat yoghurt, cottage cheese with pineapple or strawberry and low fat-cheese, flavoured milk.

Fruit and Veg: Raw vegetables with seasoning and a fat-free dip such as sour cream, a fruit salad either with or without dipping sauce, whole wheat pitta bread with vegetables or hummus. Dried fruits such as apricots and raisins.

Savoury snacks: Low-fat tortilla chips with salsa dip, whole-grain rice cakes, low-fat popcorn, breadsticks and flatbreads. Raw nuts, preferably nuts that are un-salted, Olives, cereal bars.

Drinks: Flavoured water, Fruit juices (not fizzy), Home-made smoothies; fat-free hot chocolate. You can have usual beverages like tea and coffees just cut out the sugar and if you can stand the taste; try removing the milk in tea for a healthier beverage.

Treats: Frozen yoghurt, Dark chocolate (a lot healthier than milk chocolate!) Maraschino Cherries, Sugar-free jelly beans, dried fruits dipped in honey, Sugar-free jelly.

Advanced Health LTD

Monday, 30 January 2012

Weight Loss Tips - How To Get A Six Pack

A toned, washboard stomach is something that is highly sought after by men and women alike but of course it does not come naturally. Many people do not have the time or the money to commit to going to the gym but that does not mean that you cannot have an enviable stomach. It can easily be achieved in the privacy of your own home without spending a fortune on equipment and it does not have to take up all of your time.

Advanced Health LTD

Lose the excess fat and eat well!

First things first, you need to target the areas of fat by doing some cardiovascular exercise. It does not matter how much you exercise if there is a layer of fat over your abdominals, your six pack will be unnoticeable. Examples of this would be; Running, jogging or cycling.

Anything that gets your heart and blood pumping is good to not only lose weight but to stay healthy. It is important not to skip breakfast as what usually happens is you will end up eating a massive lunch due to not eating anything for hours on end which of course is guaranteed to make you pile on the pounds. You should try not to skip lunch either as again, you will end up eating a larger dinner and most people are usually not very active after dinner which will lead to weight gain. 3 sensible well balanced meals a day and if you must snack between meals, make them low fat ones.

Drink water

Make sure you keep your fluid intake up as quite often, thirst is mistaken for hunger. So when we feel hungry we are actually thirsty. Keeping our fluid levels up not only suppresses appetite so that we eat less which is good for weight control, it ensures optimum digestion, removes waste products from the body, helps to keep our skin glowing and complexion healthy and encourages our kidney to function properly which increases the efficiency of our liver’s fat burning capacities.

Build muscle

You do not need to shell out on expensive equipment to build muscle. Exercises you can do at home include, sit ups, crunches, leg lifts and using a stability ball that supports your back and body so that you can effectively perform these exercises without strain. You should carry out these exercises at least three times a week. If you do have some money to spend you can buy some dumbbells very affordably, the more muscle you have the more calories your body will burn. Lifting weights and doing some kind of resistance training is important to make sure you do not loss too much muscle mass while you are reducing your calorie intake. You need to try to do an even amount of cardiovascular and resistance training otherwise if you concentrate on sorely cardiovascular activities you may lose the muscle mass that you develop in your abs.

Advanced Health LTD

Weight Loss Tips - Lose Weight Without Being Hungry

Losing weight is usually associated with not eating very much and being constantly hungry all the time, which is why so many people are so loathed to do it and if they do give it a go, understandably they usually fail.  The trick is not to assume that to lose weight you have to starve and be hungry. You do not actually have to eat less food to lose weight but more change what kind of food you are eating.
By eating when you feel hungry, it will reduce the need to eat more between meals. So if you are literally starving yourself you are likely to end up putting on more weight. It is far better to eat consistently but smaller amounts, for example 5-6 small meals a day as opposed to 3 very large meals. The secret is not to wait too long between meals so that there is no temptation to snack which will undo all your hard work.

Most people snack because they are hungry; they have not eaten enough or have not eaten anything so before lunchtime they find themselves snacking. Never skip breakfast, this will mean you will eat a large lunch and by skipping meals, your body’s metabolism slows down and does the opposite of what you expect and holds onto the calories instead of burning them off. Eating little and often is also good for people who get a slump in the afternoon where they feel very lethargic, this is due to a drop in sugar levels due to not eating enough. Eating small meals or eating healthy snacks between meals will stabilise your blood sugar and ensure you do not get that uncontrollable tiredness in the middle of the afternoon so you won’t be reaching for the energy drink or chocolate bar for a boost of energy.

Advanced Health LTD

Eating slower is another way to ensure you do not over eat but you eat enough to feel satisfied. It takes about 20 minutes for the body to realise it is full so if you eat too quickly, the body will take longer to realise it is full up and obviously by that time you have eaten too much and it is too late. So by eating more slowly, the brain will send signals that you should stop eating just in time.

So as you can see, there really is no need to be hungry to lose weight; you are far more likely to keep the weight off if you eat sensibly and regularly.  Eating less food can sometimes be detrimental to weight loss not to mention your health. A varied, balanced diet coupled with exercise and a bit of determination and willpower will ensure that you lose weight.

Advanced Health LTD

Weight Loss Tips - Stay Motivated When Losing Weight

The key to successful weight loss is to stay motivated. You need to try and stay as focused as possible if you are determined to lose weight and get healthy. As losing weight is not just about looking good in clothes, if you are considerably overweight, it is also essential for your general health and well-being. Overweight people don’t tend to live as long and can suffer more health problems than those with a healthy weight. Having this thought in your mind can give you the impetus to really go for it.

You will only lose weight if you really want to; having a half-hearted approach will probably mean you will fail at your weight loss goals. Keeping your goals and aims within reach will make it easier for you to achieve. A good way of spurring yourself on to stick to a diet is to take photos of yourself as you are before you start dieting and consistently take photos throughout of your progress, seeing the results will only make you want to continue.

If there is a particular item of clothing that you wish you could fit into or would love to buy, keep that in your mind and imagine yourself wearing it and how great you will look. And then once you reach that target weight, you will feel a great sense of satisfaction. It may sound trivial but even accomplishing something small will keep you encouraged.

If you have a friend who would also like to lose weight, you could both join a gym together or go running together or even just be there to lend support to each other. Sharing your progress with each other can be fun and rewarding and keep the both of you focused. Dieting can be lonely and miserable but not when there is someone else going through the same thing, it can help inspire you to keep going and not to give up.
Advanced Health LTD

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Weight Loss Tips - Trustworthy Weight Loss Supplements

Sometimes try as we might, we just cannot lose weight. Whether it be from lack of willpower or dedication or just that we are too busy, it is quite often not something we can do without any kind of intervention. Anyone who has ever struggled with their weight will know that finding a trustworthy weight loss supplement is not easy. With so many products at your disposal that all claim to work, how do you really know what ones will work and what one’s won’t? When you are that desperate to lose weight, we are quite prepared to try anything at all. This is a problem with the supplements that do not come with a full list of ingredients; you really do not know what you could be putting into your body. You do not know how you will react to it. The only way to find out for sure is to try for yourself, but by experimenting with these products you risk not only wasting money but possibly harming yourself and obviously, not losing any weight at all.

Many weight loss supplements unfortunately contain stimulants that can make your heart race; that for some people can be very dangerous. It can make some individuals anxious and jittery, some supplements can cause stomach upsets. Many harmful weight loss supplements are now outlawed but there are still some very unscrupulous companies that are happy to sell supplements to the public that they know will be detrimental to their health. Of course everyone is different and will react to things in different ways; some people may take supplements and have no problems whatsoever but is it worth taking the risk? Especially when you could choose a far safer alternative.

You have no doubt heard of Capsiplex, it has taken the media by storm, newspapers and magazines everywhere have featured Capsiplex. It has many celebrity fans who swear by Capsiplex to help maintain their red carpet figures. It is a unique supplement that integrates the use of Capsicum extract (red pepper), but due to the unbearable heat, it is generally not well tolerated by the majority of people. It has never been used successfully in a weight loss aid, until now. The manufacturers cleverly designed an outer layer on the capsule so that Capsiplex could be taken comfortably, with no stomach irritation and so it would be properly absorbed into the bloodstream. Capsicum extract helps to raise the body’s metabolism so that it may burn fat and calories (before and after exercise) more efficiently, increases energy expenditure and also may help to burn carbs. With Capsiplex, there is no need to change your lifestyle or your diet, simply make Capsiplex a part of it.

Advanced Health LTD