Saturday, 28 January 2012

Weight Loss Tips - Weight Loss After Pregnancy

It is usual to weigh more than usual after you have given birth but this is no comfort to those who desperately want to get back to the weight they were before they became pregnant.  Especially if try as you might, you have not shed the amount that you were hoping for.

You might be surprised to know that some of the weight could actually be due to fluid retention. Particularly if you had a lot of IV fluids during your labour, but you should lose that fluid weight by perspiring and urinating more often.

Apart from the pregnancy weight f the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid etc., what do you do about the other stubborn weight that will not shift? There are some techniques that can help you to lose your post-pregnancy weight.

  • Drink several glasses of water a day. Replace sugary drinks with flavoured water or normal water and a squeeze of fresh lemon. This can help you to cut out a lot of calories.
  • Eat lean meats such as boneless chicken and very lean cuts of beef
  • Instead of junk food such as crisps and chocolate, snack on healthier foods such as raisins, popcorn, nuts and wheat crackers. 
  • Eat plenty of whole grain bread, cereal and pasta.
  • Take part in some light exercise when you feel ready. Take a 10 minute walk with the baby each day and gradually increase the time. Or get a babysitter and go out for a long stroll with a friend.
  • Breastfeed! If you are able to breastfeed your baby, the longer you breastfeed the more calories you will burn, it is said that breastfeeding can burn up to 500 calories a day.
  • Consider joining a gym, preferably one that has a crèche when your child is a bit older. This is a great way to meet other mums who also want to lose weight and can offer some moral support.

If this all seems too daunting and you don’t think you can manage it without a little bit of help, perhaps you should consider trying Capsiplex. A feature shown recently in OK magazine of former glamour model Nicola Mclean, told her story of success with losing her baby weight by using the pro-slimming supplement.

Advanced Health LTD

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