Hate dieting? You're not alone. If there's one thing most people dread more than anything, cutting calories is it.
But, if you want to lose weight and tone up your body, you know that you must consume fewer calories each day than you burn off. Now, rather than focusing on continually decreasing your calorie intake, how about you focus on the other element of that equation – increasing your daily output?
This is a far more effective and enjoyable way to lose weight and if you go about it in the right manner, will produce superior results as well. If you use the follow simple tips you can quickly increase your metabolic rate, which is what determines how many calories you body burns off daily.
Get it revved up to very high levels and you'll be able to eat more food and still see the weight loss you're looking for.
If that sounds like something you're interested in, pay attention to the following ideas.
Eat More Protein
The very first thing that you should do if you want to ramp up your metabolism instantly is to eat more protein. Many women unfortunately don't get enough protein with their fat loss diet and this really causes them to see a decline in results.
For every 100 calories worth of protein rich food that you eat, your body will actually only 'net' about 75 of those calories. If you were to take in those same 100 calories worth of carbs or dietary fats however, you would net at total of 94 or 98 of those calories. See the difference?
By eating protein rich foods more often you're essentially boosting your metabolic rate by 25% so this is a very fast and effective way to melt fat faster.
Perform High Intensity Exercise
Second, the next thing that you should do to elevate your metabolism is to perform higher intensity exercise. The great thing about high intensity exercise is not only is it going to whip you into shape faster, but it'll dramatically reduce the time you have to spend in the gym as well.
If you're doing a high intensity workout, whether it's with your cardio training or your weight lifting workout session, you can get in and out of the gym in as little as 20-25 minutes. For anyone with a busy schedule, this is definitely the way to go.
What's more is that after that high intensity workout, your metabolism will stay elevated for up to 48 hours. This means you'll be burning more fat while watching your favorite TV show later on in the evening.
Use An Appropriate Metabolic Increasing Supplement
The third way to increase your metabolism is to consider an effective supplement that works to stimulate the metabolism so you burn more calories at all times. Phen375 is one example of a proven supplement that can speed the rate of weight loss, while also providing you with more energy.
Remember that supplements should always be used with a proper fat burning diet and workout program, but when you do pair the three together, you simply will not beat the fat loss results that take place.
So there you have three of the top ways to increase how many calories your body burns on a daily basis so you don't have to succumb to food portions so small they wouldn't feed a five year old. If you can look at this side of the fat loss equation instead, you're going to find the process of weight loss that much more manageable and may actually enjoy it!
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Weight Loss Tips - How To Exercise At Home
If you're interested in getting into better shape but don't really want to join a public gym, there are plenty of ways to work around this. Many people are fast to think that being in good shape means you'll have to spend hours and hours at the gym, but this isn't the case.
If you can devote 30 minutes to exercise per day, doing it right in the comfort of your own home, you can see noticeable differences in just a few weeks time.
Let's have a look at a few of the best ways to exercise at home.
Climb Stairs
Looking for a fast way to get in some cardio? While at the gym you might have chosen to hop onto the treadmill, bike, or elliptical, when exercising at home you likely don't have one of these machines sitting in your living room.
But what you do likely have is a set of stairs. Stair running can be just as effective, if not even more effective than running is when it comes to burning off body fat, so don't think twice.
Run up and down the stairs three to four times in a row and then take a 45 second rest and walk around at a slow pace. Then repeat this process another four to five times and you will have an absolutely fantastic fat burning workout.
Try Jump Rope
Another alternative if running stairs isn't quite your thing is jumping rope. Here again, jump rope is an intense calorie burner, allowing you to burn even more calories than a fast run would.
Be sure to be patient with yourself with this exercise however as it can take some getting used to.
Try and skip for one minute straight if you can, then allow yourself to rest for a minute. Alternate between on and off periods ten to twelve times to create this skipping workout.
Get A Set Of Adjustable Dumbbells
For the resistance training element of things, if you want to firm up your body fast, getting a set of adjustable dumbbells is the way to go. You can perform movements to target the entire body with these including lunges, squats, shoulder presses, chest presses lying on the floor, bent over rows, as well as bicep curls, tricep extensions, and lateral raises.
Perform eight to twelve reps of each exercise moving from one right to the next as quickly as you can. Rest for two minutes once the circuit has been completed and then perform once more through and you'll be well on your way to adding more muscle definition.
Try Resistance Bands
Finally, if you aren't so fond of dumbbells, another alternative is to use resistance bands. These are becoming very popular among those who choose to workout at home because they can easily be stored away in a dresser drawer when not in use.
Hold each end of the resistance band in either of your hands and perform many of the same exercises you would with your dumbbells such as squats, shoulder presses, chest presses, bicep curls, lateral raises, and bent over rows.
So there you have some quick tips for creating an effective and fast at home workout. If you can commit to doing your resistance training exercises twice per week and your cardio workout twice per week as well, while also combining this with a great diet and a supplement such as Phen375 to boost your metabolic rate, you will have a killer fat burning formula that will get you the body you're after.
If you can devote 30 minutes to exercise per day, doing it right in the comfort of your own home, you can see noticeable differences in just a few weeks time.
Let's have a look at a few of the best ways to exercise at home.
Climb Stairs
Looking for a fast way to get in some cardio? While at the gym you might have chosen to hop onto the treadmill, bike, or elliptical, when exercising at home you likely don't have one of these machines sitting in your living room.
But what you do likely have is a set of stairs. Stair running can be just as effective, if not even more effective than running is when it comes to burning off body fat, so don't think twice.
Run up and down the stairs three to four times in a row and then take a 45 second rest and walk around at a slow pace. Then repeat this process another four to five times and you will have an absolutely fantastic fat burning workout.
Try Jump Rope
Another alternative if running stairs isn't quite your thing is jumping rope. Here again, jump rope is an intense calorie burner, allowing you to burn even more calories than a fast run would.
Be sure to be patient with yourself with this exercise however as it can take some getting used to.
Try and skip for one minute straight if you can, then allow yourself to rest for a minute. Alternate between on and off periods ten to twelve times to create this skipping workout.
Get A Set Of Adjustable Dumbbells
For the resistance training element of things, if you want to firm up your body fast, getting a set of adjustable dumbbells is the way to go. You can perform movements to target the entire body with these including lunges, squats, shoulder presses, chest presses lying on the floor, bent over rows, as well as bicep curls, tricep extensions, and lateral raises.
Perform eight to twelve reps of each exercise moving from one right to the next as quickly as you can. Rest for two minutes once the circuit has been completed and then perform once more through and you'll be well on your way to adding more muscle definition.
Try Resistance Bands
Finally, if you aren't so fond of dumbbells, another alternative is to use resistance bands. These are becoming very popular among those who choose to workout at home because they can easily be stored away in a dresser drawer when not in use.
Hold each end of the resistance band in either of your hands and perform many of the same exercises you would with your dumbbells such as squats, shoulder presses, chest presses, bicep curls, lateral raises, and bent over rows.
So there you have some quick tips for creating an effective and fast at home workout. If you can commit to doing your resistance training exercises twice per week and your cardio workout twice per week as well, while also combining this with a great diet and a supplement such as Phen375 to boost your metabolic rate, you will have a killer fat burning formula that will get you the body you're after.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Weight Loss Tava Tea Wellness Blend
What is Weight Loss Tava Tea? Just look at the video below:
Weight Loss Tava Tea Wellness Blend Benefits
Can tea really do all this?
Yes it can. In fact you’d be amazed at how powerful THIS tea really is. But remember, it’s not just any tea . . . the power comes from the blend of three of the most powerful teas and a number of VERY important factors which we’ll get to in a moment.But let’s look at a few more of the benefits first...
- Strengthens Your Immune System:Test subjects who drank Wuyi Cliff Oolong tea were found to have a stronger immune system and a significantly lower risk of infections, in a 2004 study in the scientific journal Antioxidants & Redox Signaling.
- Our heavyweight triple blend tea is 100% Natural and Organic:Our tea is natural and nourishing to your health, unlike many of the artificial fat burners. Many users report not just weight loss but a feeling of increased focus and well-being. Polyphenols are high powered antioxidants found in plants and about 25-100 times stronger than vitamins C or E. Just one cup of Wuyi Cliff Oolong tea contains around 10-40 mg of polyphenol, which is more than a serving of broccoli or spinach, which are considered antioxidant powerhouses.
- Tava Tea Wellness Blend Promotes Strong, Healthy Teeth:A new study from the Department of Dentistry at Japan's Osaka University, shows that regular consumption of Wuyi Cliff Oolong Tea strengthens your teeth and helps prevent tooth decay by significantly inhibiting plaque.
"Wu Long tea in fact lessens absorption of fats, increases the body’s metabolism and is responsible for noradrenaline-induced lipolysis (breakdown) of adipose tissue."
How do use Weight Loss Tava Tea Wellness Blend?
2g of tea per teabag
20 teabags in a box
Each teabag can be used 2 times (at least)
Ingredients per teabag:
40% Organic Steamed Sencha
30% Organic Wuyi Cliff Oolong Tea
30% Organic Pu-Erh Tea
Steeping instructions:
- Pour 600-700ml (3-4 cups) of fresh boiled water into a teapot.
- Wait until the water is cooled to about 75-80 degrees Celsius
- Let the tea steep for 2-3 minutes for the first infusion. The colour of the tea should be warm golden brownish. You’re now ready to drink your tea.
- Don’t throw away the teabag, you’ve only used it once, and you have not released all the flavors and healthy anti-oxidants yet! Make sure that the teabag is not kept in water, as the leafs will continue to release its flavors, which we don’t want until the second steeping
- For the second infusion, boil 500-600ml (2-3 cups) of water and pour this into a teapot
- Again, wait for the water to be cooled to about 75-80 degrees celcius.
- Let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes for the second infusion. The colour will be about the same as the first infusion, maybe a little bit lighter. This second steeping releases different tea oils and anti-oxidants , leading to a different taste of the tea. You’re now ready for your second tea session.
If you want, you can even make a third nd forth pot of tea. Again take 500-600 ml of fresh boiled water and let the tea steep for about 6-8 minutes. If you want more infusions with the same teabag, feel free to experiment; tea is a fascinating product with many different flavors!
When you find the tea to be to watery, increase the steeping time of the infusion or reduce the steeping time for the previous infusions.
You can also use less water for the individual infusions. Keep in mind that the steeping time per infusion also will have to vary. This can be as short as 30-60 seconds when you use 150-200 ml of water (1 cup). Slightly increase the steeping time with 30-60 seconds per infusion. You can let the tea steep for as long as you desire. There are famous Japanese tea rituals that have 12(!) steeping rounds, where the 12th round has a 20-25 minute steeping time!!
With 30 bags in a months supply, good for at least 60 full pots of tea!
Sencha, Wuyi Cliff Oolong and PuErh! What on earth does that mean?
Sencha, Wuyi Cliff Oolong and Puerh are not brands or products, but types of tea. Just as Darjeeling and Earl grey are types of tea.
The two main groups of tea are Black and Green. Then you have the different types of tea under each of the groups. Sencha, Wuyi Cliff Oolong and Puerh are in the Green tea group.
Tava Tea Wellness Blend is a unique blend between organically grown Sencha, Wuyi Cliff Oolong and Puerh species. This blend is not found anywhere else and is extremely effective for weight loss and increased health.
Not only that but we only use the highest quality whole leaves. No tea ‘dust’ or lower quality leaves are included.
These varieties of tea contain a vast array of powerful nutrients and have been used for health and healing in China for over 5000 years.
Wuyi Cliff Oolong (Wu Long)

Many of the health benefits of Wuyi Cliff Oolong tea are similar to those of green tea. Wuyi Cliff Oolong tea is one of the healthiest beverage you can enjoy as it also contains the polyphenols that act as antioxidants against free radicals in the body.
- Wuyi Cliff Oolong Tea may help reduce cholesterol build-up in the bloodstream.
- Wuyi Cliff Oolong Tea may help burn fat and thus, may contribute to slimming.
- Wuyi Cliff Oolong Tea can help prevent heart ailments.
- Wuyi Cliff Oolong Tea can be used for treatment of digestive disorders.

PuErh tea contains polyphenols that attack free radicals in your body to help ensure protection against a host of diseases.
- PuErh tea is known to help lower blood cholesterol levels.
- PuErh tea may help boost the flow of blood and help enhance circulation.
- PuErh tea may help inhibit the formation and growth of cancer cells.
- PuErh tea aids in the proper digestion of food.
- PuErh tea may help invigorate the spleen.

Although there are various kinds of polyphenols, catechins are the strongest. The most powerful catechin, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg), is abundant in green tea.
Catechin has also been found to be anti-bacterial and to lower the risk of heart disease. Catechin fights the free radicals that help arterial build up. Catechin also stops the platelets from forming clots which can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thereby reducing stress.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Weight Loss Tips - How does Green Tea work
Green Tea has been hailed as much more than just a beverage. Asians have used Green Tea as a herbal medicine and treatment for almost everything from depression to headaches. Now it is widely appreciated for its ability to help with weight loss.
For a weight loss program to be at its most effective they require two elements. The body must consume less fuel and burn more energy. Green Tea fulfils this.
By drinking a lot of tea, it reduces the chances of wanting to snack or drink something that may be of a higher calorific content. Green Tea helps to burn energy. A study has found that regular Green Tea drinkers burn as much as 4% more energy than those who do not.
Green tea works by intensifying the level of fat oxidation and Thermogenesis (the rate at which your body burns calories) It helps to block the absorption of fat and regulates glucose by preventing the blood sugar to rise too quickly after a meal. If this occurs, high levels of Insulin are then produced which leads to fat being stored.
Drinking Green Tea speeds up the metabolic rate considerably helping to accelerate the loss of stored fat and helps to reduce fat storage. This makes it ideal for people who want to shift the fat that they already have on their body, but it also helps to limit the amount of fat that you digest and store on various parts of your body where weight gain might be more prominent such as your waist, thighs, chest or hips.
Green tea is proven that it helps reduce appetite. This is due to the blood sugar regulating effects, appetite is then suppressed. An experiment conducted by the University of Chicago showed that rats that were injected with an extract of Green Tea consumed up to 60% less food.
It has mild cholesterol lowering levels by helping to decrease bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing the good cholesterol (HDL). Research has recommended that up to 10 cups of Green Tea a day is required to achieve real noticeable benefits from daily consumption of Green Tea. It is most effective in a dose of 200-300 milligrams per day, split into 3 divided doses. While green tea extract is very effective when taken alone but when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise program it will enable you to lose the pounds quicker than any other diet or exercise program.
Green Tea consists of Vitamins, Minerals and Caffeine however, the main active ingredients that attribute to Green Tea health benefits are Polyphenols such as Catechin, Epicatechin, Epicatechin gallate, Gallocatechin, Epigallocatechin and Apigallocatechin gallate (commonly known as EGCG). EGCG is a natural antioxidant that effectively assists in burning off calories. The catechin in Green Tea is what regulates the production of Glucose and helps to inhibit the rise of insulin after a meal that encourages the build up of fat. By regular drinking of Green Tea, metabolic rate and energy expenditure is multiplied by a rate of 4% .
For a weight loss program to be at its most effective they require two elements. The body must consume less fuel and burn more energy. Green Tea fulfils this.
By drinking a lot of tea, it reduces the chances of wanting to snack or drink something that may be of a higher calorific content. Green Tea helps to burn energy. A study has found that regular Green Tea drinkers burn as much as 4% more energy than those who do not.
Green tea works by intensifying the level of fat oxidation and Thermogenesis (the rate at which your body burns calories) It helps to block the absorption of fat and regulates glucose by preventing the blood sugar to rise too quickly after a meal. If this occurs, high levels of Insulin are then produced which leads to fat being stored.
Drinking Green Tea speeds up the metabolic rate considerably helping to accelerate the loss of stored fat and helps to reduce fat storage. This makes it ideal for people who want to shift the fat that they already have on their body, but it also helps to limit the amount of fat that you digest and store on various parts of your body where weight gain might be more prominent such as your waist, thighs, chest or hips.
Green tea is proven that it helps reduce appetite. This is due to the blood sugar regulating effects, appetite is then suppressed. An experiment conducted by the University of Chicago showed that rats that were injected with an extract of Green Tea consumed up to 60% less food.
It has mild cholesterol lowering levels by helping to decrease bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing the good cholesterol (HDL). Research has recommended that up to 10 cups of Green Tea a day is required to achieve real noticeable benefits from daily consumption of Green Tea. It is most effective in a dose of 200-300 milligrams per day, split into 3 divided doses. While green tea extract is very effective when taken alone but when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise program it will enable you to lose the pounds quicker than any other diet or exercise program.
Green Tea consists of Vitamins, Minerals and Caffeine however, the main active ingredients that attribute to Green Tea health benefits are Polyphenols such as Catechin, Epicatechin, Epicatechin gallate, Gallocatechin, Epigallocatechin and Apigallocatechin gallate (commonly known as EGCG). EGCG is a natural antioxidant that effectively assists in burning off calories. The catechin in Green Tea is what regulates the production of Glucose and helps to inhibit the rise of insulin after a meal that encourages the build up of fat. By regular drinking of Green Tea, metabolic rate and energy expenditure is multiplied by a rate of 4% .
Weight Loss Tips - Are Green Teas and Weight Loss Teas the Same
Chinese Green Tea is made solely from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. They are prepared by undergoing minimal oxidation as they are processed to retain as much of the useful elements as possible green tea originates from China and has been used by the Chinese for thousands of years to promote good health and longevity.
More recently green tea has been grown in other parts of Asia with different varieties being grown in different areas depending on the region.
Green tea has over the past few decades been subjected to intensive scientific and medical studies to determine its many reported health benefits. Green tea has been found to have many properties; it has been shown to reduce the chance of some heart diseases, certain cancers and reducing of high blood pressure. It is the effects that it has on the body when used as a weight loss product that has hit the headlines in recent years. It stimulates the metabolism to enable the body to burn more calories, which in turn burns body fat. This is a process known as thermo genesis. It also causes fat oxidation.
There are two ways to lose weight, we either reduce energy intake, or increase our energy expenditure. People are quite naturally looking for options that can help safely help raise the metabolism without the need for extensive exercise or effort...
In a clinical study shown in the world famous American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was proven that drinking green tea caused a significant increase in energy expenditure (a measure of metabolism), and at the same time having a significant effect on fat oxidation.
Before the tests some of the effects were originally thought to be down to the amount of caffeine in green tea, but the tests discovered that the tea actually has properties that go beyond the effects that would be caused by caffeine alone. When the researchers carried out tests using the same levels of caffeine that is in green tea, the tests failed to record any change in the metabolism. It was prove that the active ingredients in green tea all interact with each other to promote increased metabolism and fat oxidation.
The test on green tea showed that drinking green tea accounted for a 4% increase in Thermo genesis, (the body rate of burning calories), which means substantial implications for weight control when taken daily.
If users are going to incorporate green tea into their weight loss plans, what is the best way to go about it? The best way would be to choose a reputable brand that can offer approved results, research into the best types of green tea and find a blend that incorporates a variety of these into its mix.
More recently green tea has been grown in other parts of Asia with different varieties being grown in different areas depending on the region.
Green tea has over the past few decades been subjected to intensive scientific and medical studies to determine its many reported health benefits. Green tea has been found to have many properties; it has been shown to reduce the chance of some heart diseases, certain cancers and reducing of high blood pressure. It is the effects that it has on the body when used as a weight loss product that has hit the headlines in recent years. It stimulates the metabolism to enable the body to burn more calories, which in turn burns body fat. This is a process known as thermo genesis. It also causes fat oxidation.
There are two ways to lose weight, we either reduce energy intake, or increase our energy expenditure. People are quite naturally looking for options that can help safely help raise the metabolism without the need for extensive exercise or effort...
In a clinical study shown in the world famous American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was proven that drinking green tea caused a significant increase in energy expenditure (a measure of metabolism), and at the same time having a significant effect on fat oxidation.
Before the tests some of the effects were originally thought to be down to the amount of caffeine in green tea, but the tests discovered that the tea actually has properties that go beyond the effects that would be caused by caffeine alone. When the researchers carried out tests using the same levels of caffeine that is in green tea, the tests failed to record any change in the metabolism. It was prove that the active ingredients in green tea all interact with each other to promote increased metabolism and fat oxidation.
The test on green tea showed that drinking green tea accounted for a 4% increase in Thermo genesis, (the body rate of burning calories), which means substantial implications for weight control when taken daily.
If users are going to incorporate green tea into their weight loss plans, what is the best way to go about it? The best way would be to choose a reputable brand that can offer approved results, research into the best types of green tea and find a blend that incorporates a variety of these into its mix.
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Weight Loss Tips - Green Tea and Weight Loss
We all know the general consensus for losing weight is to consume fewer calories than we burn off in a day to help us lose weight. But it can take time so a lot of people are looking for a helping hand to help speed up the process.
One weight loss aid that is very beneficial in helping people lose weight is the traditional Green tea. Green tea is shown to have an effect on our insulin levels and help regulate them and help to lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides. It is also thought that Green Tea increases the speed of our metabolism making us burn fat quickly and even switches off the receptors in the brain that gives us the urge to eat.
Furthermore, Green Tea is overall very healthy unlike a lot of other weight loss aids. Green tea contains very potent antioxidants that help to keep our bodies healthy and free of disease by fighting harmful free radicals. A diet that is rich in Green Tea and other antioxidants has been linked to a reduction in the risk of cancer and heart diseases. So Green Tea not only helps you shed the fat but it has health benefits galore which will keep you not only slim, but healthy too.
So how does Green tea work? Studies have shown that there are three main fundamental elements in Green Tea that has been proven to have a dramatic effect on weight loss.
Green tea contains a much lesser amount of caffeine than Coffee or Black tea. The amount of caffeine in Green tea does not appear to have the same effects that transpire with other caffeinated products. Green tea does not cause heart palpitations or the shakes, it does however help to speed up the metabolism. Studies have shown that people who are on a low calorie diet who include caffeine in their diet on a daily basis will lose more weight than those who do not include caffeine in their diet.
Are the antioxidants that are found in Green tea. Catechins are Polyphenolic antioxidant plant metabolites, to be specific, flavonoids called flavan-3-ols. They can be found in many plants including the coffee plant and the cocoa plant, but the best origin of catechins is from the tea plant Camellia sinensis. Green tea is considered a much better source of catechins than those from Black tea because Black tea is fermented and this changes the catechins. Green tea on the other hand, is unfermented which leaves the catechins in their natural state. Catechins are very beneficial to weight loss because they are believed to help suppress lipid (fat) absorption from food. This also helps reduce cholesterol but also helps to combat the build up of body fat.
Is the core amino acid found in Green Tea. Theanine has a natural ability to alter mood and a sense of calm and balance in the body, it helps to release Dopamine, the chemical produced by the brain that provides a sense of tranquillity in the body. It also minimises the side effects that Caffeine can have on the body, which is why the caffeine found in Green Tea does not seem to have a great effect. While Theanine is not in itself a weight loss aid but by inducing a relaxing mood it may stop people eating as a result of feeling stressed.
One weight loss aid that is very beneficial in helping people lose weight is the traditional Green tea. Green tea is shown to have an effect on our insulin levels and help regulate them and help to lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides. It is also thought that Green Tea increases the speed of our metabolism making us burn fat quickly and even switches off the receptors in the brain that gives us the urge to eat.
Furthermore, Green Tea is overall very healthy unlike a lot of other weight loss aids. Green tea contains very potent antioxidants that help to keep our bodies healthy and free of disease by fighting harmful free radicals. A diet that is rich in Green Tea and other antioxidants has been linked to a reduction in the risk of cancer and heart diseases. So Green Tea not only helps you shed the fat but it has health benefits galore which will keep you not only slim, but healthy too.
So how does Green tea work? Studies have shown that there are three main fundamental elements in Green Tea that has been proven to have a dramatic effect on weight loss.
Green tea contains a much lesser amount of caffeine than Coffee or Black tea. The amount of caffeine in Green tea does not appear to have the same effects that transpire with other caffeinated products. Green tea does not cause heart palpitations or the shakes, it does however help to speed up the metabolism. Studies have shown that people who are on a low calorie diet who include caffeine in their diet on a daily basis will lose more weight than those who do not include caffeine in their diet.
Are the antioxidants that are found in Green tea. Catechins are Polyphenolic antioxidant plant metabolites, to be specific, flavonoids called flavan-3-ols. They can be found in many plants including the coffee plant and the cocoa plant, but the best origin of catechins is from the tea plant Camellia sinensis. Green tea is considered a much better source of catechins than those from Black tea because Black tea is fermented and this changes the catechins. Green tea on the other hand, is unfermented which leaves the catechins in their natural state. Catechins are very beneficial to weight loss because they are believed to help suppress lipid (fat) absorption from food. This also helps reduce cholesterol but also helps to combat the build up of body fat.
Is the core amino acid found in Green Tea. Theanine has a natural ability to alter mood and a sense of calm and balance in the body, it helps to release Dopamine, the chemical produced by the brain that provides a sense of tranquillity in the body. It also minimises the side effects that Caffeine can have on the body, which is why the caffeine found in Green Tea does not seem to have a great effect. While Theanine is not in itself a weight loss aid but by inducing a relaxing mood it may stop people eating as a result of feeling stressed.
Weight Loss Tips - Health Benefits Of Weight Loss Tea
Teas in all its forms are easy for the body to process and are perfect for those people who are on a detox or who have delicate digestive systems. Tea contains virtually no calories unless you add sugar and milk, so it is a great way to reduce your calorie intake as an alternative for more fattening drinks such as coffee. It is enjoyed by many as one of the more pleasant and convenient aids of losing weight. Tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world on a par with water. With so many different varieties of tea such as Black, White, Green, Oolong and Puerh, how beneficial are they to our health?
White Tea is said to contain a high level of antioxidants that are linked with helping to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. It also helps to reduce the amount of toxins in the body. It is an uplifting tea, ideal for those who need a pep up or if they are feeling run down. Traditional Chinese Medicine claim that White tea has a cooling effect, particularly a blend called Silver Needle which is commonly used to treat dental problems, inflammation, fevers and skin ailments.
Puerh Tea is well established for its weight loss benefits. It works alongside the metabolism and helps to breakdown the fat deposits in the body. It is considered to be one of the most helpful of tea varieties in its many useful properties, such as reducing blood lipid content, reducing plaque build up in the arteries and helping to aid digestion. It is rumoured it reduces the effects of a hangover if consumed before and after alcohol consumption!
Green Tea also contains a high level of antioxidants. One of its main antioxidant compounds Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), has been studied closely for its health benefits and results have shown it is very effective in weight loss and reducing cholesterol levels. EGCG at its highest concentration is found in the very young, new unopened buds of tips of the plant. Similarly to White Tea it also is thought to have a cooling effect and is widely used to treat inflammation.
Black Tea is not as plentiful in health benefits compared to other teas although it still has health benefits of its own. It contains very high levels of the antioxidants Theaflavins and Thearubigins. As well as having the same benefits as general antioxidants do, studies show that these chemicals act as powerful anti-clastogenics which help prevent breakage and breakdown of cells. It is thought to help with circulatory problems as it increases warmth in the body.
Oolong Tea contains the very highest concentration of Polyphenols. Polyphenols are believed to help fight free radicals which we get regular exposure from though pollutants in the environment, chemicals in food and even those that occur naturally in the body. Oolong is said to be warming, aid digestion, be very cleansing of impurities and help to ease headaches.
White Tea is said to contain a high level of antioxidants that are linked with helping to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. It also helps to reduce the amount of toxins in the body. It is an uplifting tea, ideal for those who need a pep up or if they are feeling run down. Traditional Chinese Medicine claim that White tea has a cooling effect, particularly a blend called Silver Needle which is commonly used to treat dental problems, inflammation, fevers and skin ailments.
Puerh Tea is well established for its weight loss benefits. It works alongside the metabolism and helps to breakdown the fat deposits in the body. It is considered to be one of the most helpful of tea varieties in its many useful properties, such as reducing blood lipid content, reducing plaque build up in the arteries and helping to aid digestion. It is rumoured it reduces the effects of a hangover if consumed before and after alcohol consumption!
Green Tea also contains a high level of antioxidants. One of its main antioxidant compounds Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), has been studied closely for its health benefits and results have shown it is very effective in weight loss and reducing cholesterol levels. EGCG at its highest concentration is found in the very young, new unopened buds of tips of the plant. Similarly to White Tea it also is thought to have a cooling effect and is widely used to treat inflammation.
Black Tea is not as plentiful in health benefits compared to other teas although it still has health benefits of its own. It contains very high levels of the antioxidants Theaflavins and Thearubigins. As well as having the same benefits as general antioxidants do, studies show that these chemicals act as powerful anti-clastogenics which help prevent breakage and breakdown of cells. It is thought to help with circulatory problems as it increases warmth in the body.
Oolong Tea contains the very highest concentration of Polyphenols. Polyphenols are believed to help fight free radicals which we get regular exposure from though pollutants in the environment, chemicals in food and even those that occur naturally in the body. Oolong is said to be warming, aid digestion, be very cleansing of impurities and help to ease headaches.
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